

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Gosnell. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner
Adrian about 1930 1930-07-14
Albert E. about 1890
Alfred ["Bunny"] estimated 1910
Alfred Edmund 1813-06-16 Rachel ?
Alfred Ernest about 1855 1908 Mary Hellaby
Alfred J. about 1876
Alfred J. about 1861
Alfred Montague 1881
Alice Maud Josephine about 1861 Frederick James Oakley
Andrew before 1633-10-08
Andrew David 1958-11-02 Marie Cato
Ann about 1705-12-20
Ann about 1746-02-25
Anna before 1641-06-23
Anne Juliet estimated 1934
Ann/Nancy about 1790 1870-07-23
Barbara before 1614-09-07
Benjamin before 1640-11-29 1640-11-30
Bridget before 1637-02-11
Caroline about 1901
Caroline H. about 1880
Catherine before 1671-10-31 before 1673-06-12
Charles before 1702-11-09
Charles Augustus 1847 1907 Pauline Elizabeth Beranauer
Charles H. about 1885
Charles about 1814 1884-12-14 Anna Martha Furmedge
Charles Percy 1853-02-26 1925-07-26 Sophia Marie Tebbitt
Charlotta about 1875
Christine [Tina] Elizabeth 1898-01-13 1990-10 (Whitfield) Edgar Acock
Christopher about 1932 1932-11-07
Christopher 1921-10-30 1981 Betty Beavers, Gwendoline Betty Hack
Christopher Ralph Walter 1917-12-18 1918-11-10
Constance Anna/Anne 1863-11-16 1914 Harry Gibbs Reynolds
Constance Beatrice Nina 1853
Craig 1980-12-02
David Peter 1979-12-30
Duncan Harry 1858-09-03 1936-01-18 Mary Vlasto, Mary Elizabeth Hart
Edward maybe 1662-10-05 before 1748-04-02 Alice Knolles
Edward about 1846 1886 Emma Hayden Ellis
Edward before 1731
Edward about 1812 1873-09-04 Eliza Jane Hamer
Edward Alexander Knowles 1879 Annie ?Westgarth?
Edward before 1631-04-05 before 1706-10-27 Ann ?
Edward Knowles about 1880 1885
Edward Knowles 1854 1879 Caroline H. Cooke?/Knight
Edward S. Knolles
Elizabeth about 1893
Elizabeth Sinclair 1846-12-04 1908 Joseph Adolpus Ratton
Eliza Jane Ann 1864
Eliza M. about 1863
Ellen William Heather
Emily F? about 1882
Emma James Reynolds
Emma Eugenie 1857 1890-03-00 Alfred Temple Tebbitt
Fanny David Aspland Gibbs
Florence about 1887
Frances Annie 1851 Claud Tebbitt
Francis about 1633 Ann Taylor, Ethelred Taylor
Frederick Charles about 1878
Frederick Charles about 1850
Gay 1947-02-18 John Shew, Michael John Fawcett
George about 1821 Harriet Thompson
George about 1873
George before 1639-07-12
George about 1855
George S? about 1887
George T.W. about 1875
George William about 1849 Mary Ann Gabbitas
Gertrude Annie 1844-12-03 1893 Samuel Jones
Harold Clifford 1890 1916-07-01
Harriet about 1880
Harriet about 1858
Harry Theodore [Theo] 1896-06-01 1954-05-15 Mabel [Mab] Fox
Helen Claire 1979-03-28
Henry before 1628-03-01
Henry about 1877
Herbert Clifford about 1857 Alicia Augusta Baker
H. F. / John about 1849
Hylton Dale/Denis 1912-08-12 2006 Diana Mary Moore
James about 1859
Jane about 1745-12-19
Jane about 1894
Janet Sophie 1913-09-03 Gordon Wheatley Lance
Joan Jenkinson
Johane before 1590-02-11
John about 1883
John about 1575 ? ?, Margery ?
John before 1635-09-06 before 1636-05-07
John Anthony 1951-03-27 Jane Elizabeth Thoday
John Cripps about 1749-03-23
John about 1811 1860-12-28 Elizabeth Sinclair
John 1832-10-20 Ann Sewell
John Ralph 1911-10-14 1963-06-18
Joseph about 1841
Joseph about 1847 Mary Ann Humm
Joseph about 1870
Knolles 1701-04-14
Knolles 1715 Jane Keart Payton
Lewis Sidney 1851 1908 Frances Mary Randell, Mary Ann Foulds
Louise about 1851
Madeline Fanny about 1848 1916-09-00
Margaret about 1826
Martha before 1673-05-29
Mary about 1740-09-11
Mary Ann about 1870
Mary Ann about 1882
Mary Hayden 1880 ? ?
Michael [Mickey] Fox 1924-11-20 1931-01-17
Muriel Alice 1885
Naomi Hannah 1984-09-01
Oliver about 1890
Philip Leonard 1856
Ralph Percy 1881-08-13 1939-09-25 Sylvia Dale
Richard 1597
Richard maybe 1659-02-02 before 1671-04-01
Richard before 1636-12-12 1648-05-03
Richard before 1617-06-06
Richard Hamer 1848 1905 Adelaide
Robert before 1628-02-07 Constance , Alice ?
Robert before 1704-08-15
Robert Charles about 1886
Robert Clifford 1882
Robert Martin 1948-11-06 Elizabeth Merriman
Rosalie Emma about 1852 Frederick Perks
Sarah about 1741-02-15
Sidney about 1892
Theodosia before 1643-09-07
Thomas before 1632-12-18 before 1633-06-22
Thomas about 1847
Thomas about 1900
Thomas Hudes/Knowles about 1879 Elizabeth ?
Thomas Knolles about 1776 Eliza Long
Thomas Knolles about 1744-07-12 before 1833-04-27 Charlotte Thompson, Sarah Shephard
Tilly/Lily/Illy Vecta (E.) about 1878
Timothy Richard 1956-10-17 Glennis Mary Sutherland
Vernon Clifford 1899
Vivian 1882-12-16 1956-05-27 Frances Esmé Tebbitt
Willam before 1710-04-16
William about 1832
William before 1634-09-18
William before 1669-04-19
William Clifford 1891
William F. about 1884